TICKET TO PARADISE - Peter Owen Publishers
Historical fiction, set amongst the first wave of Welsh emigrants to Patagonia in the 19th century. Things are tough for Dafydd, Myfanwy, and their family in mid-nineteenth century Wales. The old agricultural way of life has been destroyed by the march of capitalism and industrialisation. The old squires and the new rich ironmasters and mine owners exploit the people of the valleys in equal measure.
Dafydd and his family are promised a way out – a Ticket to Paradise, to a place far across the oceans, a lush unspoilt land where they can establish a new Wales, unhindered by the cruel incomers, who not only took them off the land and dragged them down the coal mines, but deny them their beloved language, traditions and culture.
But, is all what it seems? What awaits them in that Patagonian paradise? After a cruel, passage on the tea clipper – The Mimosa, the settlers arrive exhausted, already battered and bruised by the long, arduous journey. They disembark onto those strange shores and step into their future, whatever it will be . . .
“... I look forward to the feature film.” Sir Derek Jacobi
“... I urge you to read it.” Miriam Margoyles
“… Elizabeth Morgan follows the exciting adventures of two families in authentic, moving, and sometimes harrowing detail.” Timothy West and Prunella Scales
‘… a fabulous story retold by Elizabeth Morgan, an extremely skilled writer, and based on a history about which few people are aware … a compelling and dramatic piece of work.” Nicholas Parsons

LIFESTYLE FRENCH SYTLE Published by ‘How To Books.'
If you want to live in France - full or part time look no further than this book.
Liz Morgan shares her 30 years plus experience of part and full time living in various areas of France.
France is sectionsed into 10 regions - all you need to know to live in France is here !
​There is also a colourful vocabulary section, containing every type of expletive – or compliment - you care to hurl at the work force.

CAN WE AFFORD THE BIDET Published by Queen Anne Press
A choice of ridding your new home of an infestation of rat or installing a new Bidet ?
This and many unusual conundrums are answered in this whimsical and tongue-in -cheek look at making a home in France .
‘COMING UP ROSES ‘ published by Honno Press Edited by Caroline Oakley
‘Coming up Roses ‘ published by Honno Press Edited by Caroline Oakley
A collection of short stories. Various authors, including
‘The Beautiful Blue Delphiniums ‘by Elizabeth Morgan
‘MY CHEATING HEART’ published by Honno Press, edited by Kitty Sewell
‘My Cheating Heart’ published by Honno Press, edited by Kitty Sewell
A collection of short stories - various authors including
‘Florentine Spring’ and ‘ Indian Summer’
by Elizabeth Morgan
‘THE PRICE OF FEAR ‘Edited by Richard Davis
Published by Everest Books A collection of horror stories with various authors including
Lot 132 by Elizabeth Morgan
More info in Radio Plays section